SMT Corporate Wellness

Our Corporate Wellness Program was created to help employers use their health and wellness budget in a way that will have a lasting impact their employees and their health. This program will make you stand out as a leader in your industry when it comes to employee care.

We will transform the health of your employees through an all-encompassing health and wellness challenge that will address their individual needs and create an engaging, productive, and supportive community that every company strives for.

The SMT Corporate

Challenge Experience

  • To keep the motivation for participation high, we run weekly challenges that will both promote developing healthy habits AND help build relationships amongst employees through fun competitions.

    Here are some examples of challenges we run depending on what companies are looking for:

    -Steps Challenge

    -Nutrition Challenge

    -Completion Challenge

    -Workout Challenge

    -Engagement Challenge

  • There is a lot of information out there when it comes to being healthy, so we have created a variety of workshops to touch on key areas of interest.

    Some examples include:

    -Lifestyle Management & Goal Setting

    -Improving Stress

    -Training, Nutrition, Sleep

    -Understanding Medical Health

  • A lot can be learned in a group setting, and it is a great way to build community and support of each other's goals.

    These group coaching calls will allow participants to ask the experts questions about workouts, nutrition, current trends in health and fitness, etc.

    A hidden value is in hearing each other's questions, and therefore, creating an opportunity for your employees to grow closer as they all work toward improving their health.

  • Everyone has different goals when it comes to fitness, different access to equipment, different schedules, and therefore, need a different workout routine to follow.

    We have created a wide variety of workout tracks for your employees to follow in this 4 week program so everyone can find something that meets both their needs and interests.

    Employees will also be provided with countless resources to help them address their questions and needs surrounding a variety of health and wellness topics (nutrition, recipe books, sleep improvement, stress management, etc.)